Gardening megathread

Inspired by mom’s aerogarden post, I figured we could have a big thread for garden questions, pics, and updates!

This summer we planted 3 trees in ourbackyard - one honeycrisp apple and two graft trees (each limb grows a different fruit!) - one with 5 types of apples, and one with 4 types of stone fruit:

The trees did bear fruit already but I picked them right away so the nutrients go toward growing the tree. I may harvest fruit for eating next year or wait another year.

For my birthday, we planted two blueberry bushes!

(don’t have a better pic of this one)

I’m also trying to grow an artichoke but I may have uh…killed it. Oops!

Anyway, post your plants!

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Hello, Dr. Frankenstein. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its Alive Quote GIF by Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time

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In a couple of years you’ll be able to make the best fruit salad :purple_heart::green_heart:

From the Interesting Stuff! thread.

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Ok get ready, here come pics from my balcony garden.
On the left- aloe vera, curry leaves. There’s a sweet potato in the middle of the planter and I don’t know the names of the rest of the plants in the pic, but the red leaf one is thriving here (there are 2 more identical planters like this one).

Here we have a bunch of geranium, rosemary, some zaatar/ezov in the back somewhere and started sprouting some scallions.

Next planter is chives, what were supposed to be chili peppers but aren’t spicy at all, thyme, oregano and more zaatar.

Sage, basil and micromeria (zuta in Hebrew)

In the corner there is a mint plant, and growing on top of it is verbena (what we call luisa in Hebrew)


Maya! I love your container garden!!! The reddish plant in the first pic might be coleus.
If you want to keep harvesting herbs, keep trimming them, otherwise they bolt (flower & seed) and it’s basically the end of the cycle

Exciting Aerogarden update: the tomato plant is flowering!!! Exactly 1 month since started :grinning:



I know, it’s hard to keep up with them… @Lehaze
I learned it the hard way, tasted the basil after it flowered and it was bitter…

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Save the seeds to grow new plants. Basil will also root if put in water a small branch with just few leaves (ייחורים)